Tora Skoftesdotter Giske
född 1070, död 1135
Tora Skoftesdotter Giske
f. 1070
Giske, Møre og Romsdal
d. 1135
Rein, Rissa, Tröndelag

Biografi ] [ Barn ]
Ogmundson Giske

f. 1040
Giske, Giske, Møre og Romsdal, Norge
d. 1103
Roma, Lazio, Italien

Torbergson av Giske


Torberg Arneson av Giske
Ragnhild Erlingsdatter


Tord Folesson Einarsson
Ålov Einarsdotter
f. ca 1000
Tordsdotter på Giske

f. 1029
Giske, Møre og Romsdal, Norge
d. efter 1095
Giske, Møre og Romsdal,, Norge

Folesson Einarsson


f. 975

f. ca 1000
d. 1031

Einar Eindrideson Tambarskjaelve
Bergljot Håkonsdatter Tombarskjelve
f. ca 972
Startsida ] [ Register över namn ] [ Register över födelseorter ] [ Register över födelsedatum ]

Tora Skoftesdotter Giske, född 1070 i Giske, Møre og Romsdal, Norge, död 1135 i Rein, Rissa, Tröndelag, Norge.

Tora Skoftesdotter Giske

Parents: Skofte Ogmundsson & Gudrun

Spouse: Ásulf Skulesson på Rein




OGMUND Thorbergsson . His name is confirmed by Snorre naming his son "Skopte Ogmundson, a grandson of Thorberg"[46]. m ---. The name of Ogmund´s wife is not known. Ogmund & his wife had one child:

a) SKOPTI Ogmundsson of Giske (-Rome 1103). Snorre names "Skopte Ogmundson, a grandson of Thorberg", when recording that he "dwelt at Giske in Sunmore"[47]. Snorre records that Skopte Ogmundson travelled from Norway with his sons Ogmund, Fin and Thord, that Skopte died in Rome, and that his sons also died during the journey[48].

m GUDRUN, daughter of THORD Folason & his wife ---. Snorre names "Gudrun, a daughter of Thord Folason" as the wife of "Skopte Ogmundson"[49].

Skopti & his wife had four children:

iv) THORA Skoptisdatter. Snorre names (in order) "Ogmund, Fin, Thord and Thora" as children of "Skopte Ogmundson" & his wife, specifying that Thora married "Asolf Skulason"[56]. In an earlier Saga, Snorre names "Thora, a daughter of Skopte Ogmundson" as the wife of "Asolf of Reine"[57]. m ASULF Skulesson of Rein, son of SKULI Tostesson & his wife Gudrun Nefsteinsdatter.

ASULF Skulesson of Rein . Snorre names "Asolf of Reine" as the son of Skule & his wife[224]. Morkinskinna names “Ásólfr, the father of Guthormr at Rein” as the son of “Skúli, the son of Jarl Tostig Godwinson”[225]. m THORA Skoptisdotter, daughter of SKOPTI Ogmundsson of Giske & his wife ---. Snorre names "Thora, a daughter of Skopte Ogmundson" as the wife of "Asolf of Reine"[226].

a) GUTTORM Asulfsson of Rein . Snorre names "Guthorm of Reine" as the son of "Asolf of Reine" & his wife[227]. Morkinskinna names “Ásólfr, the father of Guthormr at Rein” as the son of “Skúli, the son of Jarl Tostig Godwinson”[228].

- see below.

b) SIGRID . m HALLKEL Huk. Halkel & his wife had two children:

i) JON Halkelsson . m ([1155]) MARGARETA Haraldsdatter, illegitimate daughter of HARALD "Gille" King of Norway & his mistress ---. Snorre names "Harald Gille's third daughter…Margaret who was married to Jon Halkelson, a brother of Simon"[229]. Jon & his wife had one child:

(a) HALLKEL Jonsson (-killed in battle Florevåg near Bergen 3 Apr 1194). From Blindheim Jarl in Norway. m (after 19 Jun 1179) as her second husband, RAGNHILD Erlingsdatter, widow of JON Thorbergsson, daughter of ERLING Ormsen Skakke & his wife Kristin of Norway . The Saga of King Sverre records the marriage of "Ragnhild daughter of Earl Erling and Kristin Kings-daughter" and "Halkel son of Jon Hallkelsson"[230]. Hallkel & his wife had one child:

(1) RAGNVALD Hallkelsson (-murdered Husvik near Drøbak 1217, bur Oslo). Stormann of the Bagler in Norway.

ii) SIMON Skalp (-killed in battle 1161). Snorre names "Simon Skalp, a son of Halkel Huk" when recording his marriage[231]. m ([1155]) MARIA Haraldsdatter, illegitimate daughter of HARALD "Gille" King of Norway & his mistress ---. Snorre names "Harald Gille's second daughter…Maria who was married to Simon Skalp, a son of Halkel Huk"[232]. Simon & his wife had one child:

(a) NIKOLAS . Snorre names Nikolas as son of "Simon Skalp, a son of Halkel Huk" & his wife[233]. Snorre records that "Simon Skalp's son, the son of a daughter of King Harald Gille" was proposed as king in 1161[234].

Aasulv Skuleson Rein

b. 1090, Rein, Rissa, Sør-Trøndelag

d. 1150, age: 60

ali. Åsulf Skulesson, Skulisson

Tora Skoftesdotter Giske

b. Giske, Ålesund


ali. Thora, Tore


Sigrid Åsulvsdatter Rein <

Ottar Balli Åsulfson

Guttorm Åsulfson for Rein <

Thora Skoptisdotter b. Abt 1070, Giske, Borgund, Møre og Romsdal, Norway..

Gift med
Åsulv Skulesson, på Rein, född 1075 i Rein, Rissa, Sør-Trøndelag, Norge, död 1150 i Rein, Rissa, Sør-Trøndelag, Norge.

Guttorm Åsulvsson, på Rein, född cirka 1120, död cirka 1183

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