Ulfhild Ulfrida Torasdotter, född cirka 927 i Norge,
död cirka 978 i Gudbrandsdalen, Oppland, Norge.
The Book of Settlements: Landnámabók
Translated by Hermann Palsson
177. Audun skökull
There was a jarl in England called Hunda-Steinar. He married Álöf, Ragnar lođbrók’s daughter, and their children were Bjorn,
father of Audun skökull, Eirik, father of Sigurd Bjodaskallo and Isgerd who married Earl Thorir of Vermaland.
Audun skökull went to Iceland, tookk possession of Vididale and lived at Audunsstead. His comrade Thorgils Gjallandi, father of
Thorarin the Priest, came to Iceland with him.
Audun skökull was father of Thora Mosháls , mother of Ulfhild, mother of Asta, mother of King Olaf the Holy. Audun had a son
called Asgier of Asgiers River, who married Jorunn, daughter of Ingimund the Old. Their children were Thorvald, father of Dalla,
mother of Bishop Gizur, and the Audun, father of Asgeir, father of Audun, father of Egil who married Ulfheid, daughter of Eyjolf
Gudmundarson, and their son was Eyjolf, who was killed at the Althing, the father of Bishop Thorlak’s chaplain, Orm.
Audun skökull had another son called Eystein, father of Thorstein, father of Helgi, father of Thororm, father of Odd, father of
Halbjřrn, father of Sigvat the Priest. Asgeir of Asgeirs River had a daughter Thorbjřrg Bekkjarbót.
Last name after her famous mother, not her father!
http://heimskringla.no/wiki/Landnamabogen_3 (143) __________________________
Gunnhild Thorasdottir
Gift med Gudbrand Kula.
Barn 1: Gudbrandsdottir, Asta.
Barn 2: Gudbrandsdottir, Isrid.
Barn 3: Gudbrandsdottir, ?
(Register över Royal genealogiska data, Hull, England)
Gift med
Gudbrand "Kula" Olavsson, född 923
i Vik, Kvarn, Norge, död 970 i Gudbrandsdalen, Norge.
Hallkjell Gudbrandsson
Ĺsta "Astrid" Gudbrandsdottir, född cirka 970, död 1020