Hroi "the White", of Grenland
född före 900, död efter 950
Hroi "the White", of Grenland
f. före 900
Grenland, Vestfold fylke
d. efter 950

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Hroi "the White", of Grenland, född före 900 i Grenland, Vestfold fylke, Norge, död efter 950.

Saga of Harald Graycloak

Chapter 11. Harald flees from the sons of Gunnhild to sweden.

King Guthröd Bjarnarson had married a woman of good birth. They had a son whose name was Harald. He was sent to Hroi the White, a king's steward in Grenland, to be fostered by him. Hroi's son was Hrani the Widely-travelled. He and Harald were of about the same age and were foster brothers.

Rane "Smalnese" Hroison, Mjonev, född cirka 932

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