Rane "Smalnese" Hroison, Mjonev, född cirka 932.
Saga of Harald Graycloak
Chapter 11. Harald flees from the sons of Gunnhild to sweden.
King Guthröd Bjarnarson had married a woman of good birth. They had a son whose name was Harald. He was sent to Hroi the
White, a king's steward in Grenland, to be fostered by him. Hroi's son was Hrani the Widely-travelled. He and Harald were of
about the same age and were foster brothers. After his father Guthröth's fall Harald who was called Grenski (The district south of
Westfold, not to be confused with Greenland) (the Grenlander) fled first to the Uppland district, togheter with his foster brother
Hrani and a few men. There he stayed for a while with kinsmen of his. The sons of Eirik searched diligently for the men who were
bound by agreements with them, and most of all for those who could be suspected of rising against them. Harald's kinsmen and
friends advised him to leave the country. Then Harald the Grenlander went east to Sweden and looked for a place on board a ship
to join men who wished to go on viking expedition to acquire possessions. Harald was a most accomplished man.
Tosti was the name of a man in Sweden, one of the noblest and most powerful there of those who were not of princely birth. he was
a great warrior and had been for a long time on viking expeditions.
He was called Skoglar Tosti. Harald the Grenlander joined his company, following Tósti in his expeditions in summertime; and
Harald was esteemed highly by everybody. In the winter following, Harald stayed with Tósti. Sigrith was the name of Tósti's
daughter, a handsome and very haughty young woman. Later on she was married to the Swedish king Eirík the victorious, and
their son was Ólaf of Sweden, who afterwards ruled that country. Eirík died of sickness at Uppsala, ten years after the fall of
Source: Heimskringla: History of the Kings of Norway
Tora Ranesdotter, född cirka 950, död 970