Dobroniega Maria Vladimirovna
född 1011, död 1087-12-13
Dobroniega Maria Vladimirovna
f. 1011
d. 1087-12-13
Storfurstinna av Polen

Biografi ] [ Barn ]
Vladimir I "the Great, Grand Prince of Kiev"

f. ca 957
Novgorod, Ryssland
d. 1015-07-15
Kiev, Ukraina

Sviatoslav l av Kiev

f. ca 942 Kiev, Ukraina
d. 972-03-26 Kiev, Ukraina

Kijevo kun Igoris
f. ca 878
f. ca 890 Vybuty, Pskov mark, Ryssland

f. ca 944 Chernihivskaya Oblast, Ryssland
d. ca 1002 Kiev, Ukraina

Malk "Niskinia" of Lyubech
f. 918 Ukraina

f. 963-03-13
Konstantinopel, Byzantine Empire
d. ca 1011
Kiev, Ukraina
Storhertiginna av Kiev, Prinsessa av Byzantinska riket

Romanos II, Byzantine Emperor


Constantine VII, Byzantine Emperor
Hélčne Lekapene, Empress Consort of the Byzantine Empire

f. ca 936
d. 991

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Dobroniega Maria Vladimirovna, född 1011 i Kiev, Ukraina, död 1087-12-13 i Krakow, Polen. Storfurstinna av Polen.

Gift 1041 med

Kasimir I Karol av Polen, född 1016, död 1058. furste. restaurator.

DOBRONEGA MARIA Vladimirovna (before 1012-1087). The Primary Chronicle records the marriage of "Yaroslav's sister" to Kazimierz of Poland in 1043 but does not name her[135]. The Annales Polanorum state that "Kazimirum duxit ex Russia Mariam" in 1025[136], although the date is clearly inaccurate. The Chronicć Polanorum refers to the wife of King Kazimierz as "de Rusia nobilem"[137]. The Chronica principum Polonie records that "Kazimirus" married "Dobrognewam"[138]. The Annales Capituli Cracoviensis record the death in 1087 of "Dobronega uxor Kazimir"[139]. m (1043) KAZIMIERZ I KAROL "Odnowiciel/the Renewer" Prince of Poland, son of MIESZKO II Lambert King of Poland & his wife Richeza [Ezzonen] (25 Jul 1016-19 Mar 1058).
Family life and children of Vladimir I

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

German wife of Vladimir I

Anna Porphyrogeneta is known to have predeceased Vladimir by four years. Thietmar of Merseburg, writing from contemporary accounts, mentions that Boleslaw I of Poland captured Vladimir's widow during his raid on Kiev in 1018. The historians long had no clue as to identity of this wife. The emigre historian Nicholas Baumgarten, however, pointed to the controversial record of the "Genealogia Welforum" and the "Historia Welforum Weingartensis" that one daughter of Count Kuno von Oenningen (future Duke Konrad of Swabia) by "filia Ottonis Magni imperatoris" (Otto the Great's daughter; possibly Rechlinda Otona [Regelindis], claimed by some as illegitimate daughter and by others legitimate, born from his first marriage with Edith of Wessex) married "rex Rugorum" (king of Russia). He interpreted this evidence as pertaining to Vladimir's last wife.

It is believed that the only child of this alliance was Dobronega, or Maria, who married Casimir I of Poland between 1038 and 1042. As her father Vladimir died about 25 years before that marriage and she was still young enough to bear at least five children, including two future Polish dukes (Boleslaw II of Poland, who later became a king, and Wladyslaw Herman), it is thought probable that she was Vladimir's daughter by the last marriage.

Casimir I of Poland

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Casimir also signed an alliance with Yaroslav I the Wise, the Prince of Kievan Rus'. The alliance was sealed by Casimir's marriage with Yaroslav's sister, Maria Dobronega. With such support Casimir returned to Poland and managed to retake most of his domain. In 1041, the defeated Bretislaus signed a treaty at Regensburg in which he renounced his claims to all Polish lands except for Silesia, which was to be incorporated into the Crown of Bohemia. It was Casimir's success in strengthening royal power and ending internal strife that earned him the epithet of "the Restorer".

Boleslaw II the Bold

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Boleslaw was the eldest son of Casimir I the Restorer and Dobronega Maria of Kiev the daughter of the Grand Duke of Kiev Vladimir I.

Casimir I of Poland

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Casimir also signed an alliance with Yaroslav I the Wise, the Prince of Kievan Rus'. The alliance was sealed by Casimir's marriage with Yaroslav's sister, Maria Dobronega.

MARRIAGE: Another marriage, following the death of Anne (1011), affiliated Vladimir with the Holy Roman emperors of the German Ottonian dynasty and produced a daughter, who became the consort of Casimir I the Restorer of Poland (1016-58).

She was the daughter of St. Vladimir I, Grand Duke of Kiev.

En mi nuevo libro LA SORPRENDENTE GENEALOGÍA DE MIS TATARABUELOS, encontrarán a este y muchos otros de sus ancestros con un resumen biográfico de cada uno. El libro está disponible en: Les será de mucha utilidad y diversión. Ramón Rionda
In my new book LA SORPRENDENTE GENEALOGÍA DE MIS TATARABUELOS, you will find this and many other of your ancestors, with a biography summary of each of them. The book is now available at: Check it up, it’s worth it. Ramón Riond

Gift med
Kazimierz I Karol Odnowiciel (the Restorer) , född 1016-07-25 i Krakow, Polen, död 1958-11-28 i Poznan, Polen. Hertig.

Ksiaze Polski Wladyslaw I Herman I Herman Piast, född cirka 1043, död 1102-06-04

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