Doubravka Premyslovna
född 940, död 977
Doubravka Premyslovna
f. 940
d. 977

Biografi ] [ Barn ]
Boleslaus I ("the Cruel")

f. ca 915
Prag, Tjeckien
d. 967-07-15
Prag, Tjeckien (Böhmen)
Hertig av Bohemia

Vratislaus I

f. 888 Prag, Bohemia, Tjeckien
d. 921-02-13 Prag, Bohemia, Tjeckien
Hertig av Bohemia
Borivoj I
f. ca 852 Prag, Tjeckien
f. 860 Melník, Stredoceský kraj, Böhmen

f. ca 890 Prag, Bohemia, Tjeckien
d. efter 935 Prag, Bohemia, Tjeckien


f. 901

d. 967-07-15

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Doubravka Premyslovna, född 940 i Prag, Tjeckien, död 977 i Poznan, Polen.

Dobrawa (Czech: Doubravka) was a Bohemian princess member of the Premyslid dynasty and by marriage Duchess of the Polans. According to earlier sources she urged her husband to accept the baptism in 966. However, modern historians believed that the change of religion by Mieszko I was one of the points discussed in the Polish-Bohemian agreement performed soon before his marriage with Dobrawa, whose role in the conversion of her husband is now considered wasn't so important as it's represented by the medieval chronicles.

Dobrawa of Bohemia

Dobrawa (Dabrówka) (Czech: Doubravka, Polish: Dobrawa) (ca. 940/45 – 977) was a Bohemian princess member of the Premyslid dynasty and by marriage Duchess of the Polans.

She was the daughter of Boleslav I the Cruel, Duke of Bohemia, by his wife Biagota.


The marriage of Mieszko I and Dobrawa produced two children:

1.Boleslaw I the Brave (Chrobry) (b. 967 - d. 17 June 1025).
2.a daughter, perhaps named Swietoslawa, perhaps identical to the legendary Sigrid the Haughty (b. 968/72 - d. ca. 1016), perhaps married firstly with Eric the Victorious, King of Sweden and later wife of Sweyn Forkbeard, King of Denmark by whom she is said to have been mother of Canute the Great, King of Denmark, Norway and England.
There is an hypothesis who stated the existence of another daughter of Mieszko I who was married with a Pomeranian Slavic Prince; she could be the daughter of either Dobrawa or one of his previous pagan wives.[12] Also, exist the theory (apparently recorded by Thietmar and supported by Oswald Balzer in 1895) that Vladivoj, who ruled as Duke of Bohemia during 1002–1003, was another son of Dobrawa and Mieszko I;[1] although modern historians rejected this hypothesis, the Czech historiography supported mixed Piast-Premyslid parentage of Vladivoj.[13]

Marriage (1): Mieszko I Prince Of Poland about 965

Marriage (2): Günther von Merseburg about 952

Gift med
Mieszko I, född cirka 930 i Poznan, Polen, död 992-05-25 i Poznan, Polen. Hertig.

Boleslaw I "den djärve" Chroby, född cirka 967, död 1025-06-17

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