Mieszko I
född cirka 930, död 992-05-25
Mieszko I
f. ca 930
d. 992-05-25

Biografi ] [ Barn ]

f. ca 900
Poznan, Polen
d. ca 960
Hertig av Polen


f. ca 860
d. ca 920 Gniezno, Polen
Hertig av Polen
f. ca 830 Gniezno, Polen
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Mieszko I, född cirka 930 i Poznan, Polen, död 992-05-25 i Poznan, Polen. Hertig.

Mieszko I was a Duke of the Polans from about 960 until his death. He was father of Boleslaw I the Brave, the first crowned King of Poland; father of Swietoslawa (Sigrid), a Nordic Queen; and grandfather of her son, Cnut the Great. The first historical ruler of Poland, Mieszko I is considered the de facto creator of the Polish state. He continued the policy of his father and grandfather, who were rulers of the pagan tribes located in the area of present Greater Poland. Either through alliances or by use of military force, Mieszko extended the ongoing conquests and early in his reign subordinated Kuyavia, Gdansk Pomerania and Masovia. For most of his reign, he was involved in warfare for the control of Western Pomerania, eventually conquering it up to the vicinity of the lower Odra River. During the last years of his life he fought the Bohemian state, winning Silesia and probably Lesser Poland.

Gift med
Doubravka Premyslovna, född 940 i Prag, Tjeckien, död 977 i Poznan, Polen.

Boleslaw I "den djärve" Chroby, född cirka 967, död 1025-06-17

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