Gertrud Mieszkówna
född cirka 1025, död 1108-01-11
Gertrud Mieszkówna
f. ca 1025
d. 1108-01-11

Biografi ] [ Barn ]
Mieszko II Lambert

f. ca 990
Poznan, Wielkopolskie, Polen
d. 1034-05-10
Kraków, Malopolskie, Polen
Kung av Polen

Boleslaw I "den djärve"

f. ca 967 Poznan, Wielkopolskie, Polen
d. 1025-06-17 Gniezno, Wielkopolskie, Polen

Mieszko I
f. ca 930 Poznan, Polen
Doubravka Premyslovna
f. 940 Prag, Tjeckien

f. 970-975 Slovenien
d. ca 1017 Krakow, Malopolskie, Polen

f. 942 Schlesien
f. ca 985

f. ca 993
Lorraine, Frankrike
d. 1063-03-21
Abtei Brauweiler, Saalfeld/Saale, Saalfeld-Rudolstadt, Thüringen, Tyskland
Drottning av Polen


f. ca 955 Duisburg, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Tyskland
d. 1034-03-21 Saalfeld,Mulhausen,Thüringen, Tyskland
Count Palatine of Lotharingia
Herman I
Hedwig van Rhein
f. 935

f. ca 979 Saxony, Tyskland
d. 1025-11-04 Esch, Rhineland-Palatinate, Tyskland
Countess Palatine of Lotharingia
Otto II
f. 955 Saxony, Tyskland
Theophano Sklerina Skleros
f. 956 Konstantinopel, Byzantium
Startsida ] [ Register över namn ] [ Register över födelseorter ] [ Register över födelsedatum ]

Gertrud Mieszkówna, född cirka 1025 i Krakow, Polen, död 1108-01-11 i Kiev, Ukraina.

Death: 4 Jan 1107-1108


1. Svyatopolk II Mikhail, Grand Duke Of KIEV b: 1050 in Of, Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine

2. Yaropolk Petr Izyaslavich, Duke Of VLADIMIR VOLYNSK AND TUROV b: Bef 1050 in Of, Vladimir Volynskij, Volyn, Ukraine

3. Svyatoslav Izyaslavich, Prince Of KIEV b: Abt 1052 in Of, Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine

4. Vsevolod Izyaslavich, Prince Of KIEV b: Abt 1054 in Of, Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine

5. Igor Izyaslavich, Prince Of KIEV b: Abt 1056 in Of, Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine

6. Evpraksya Izyaslavna Princess Of KIEV b: Abt 1072 in Of, Turov, Polbesye, Byelorussia

7. Mstislav Izyaslavich, Duke Of POLOTSK b: Abt 1044 in Of, Polotsk, Polotsk, Byelorussia

Gertrude (about 1025- 4 January 1108), princess of Poland, was the daughter of King Mieszko II of Poland and Richensa of Lotharingia.

In 1043, she was married to Iziaslav of Kiev in a double ceremony that also married her brother to Iziaslav's sister. She had one son, Yaropolk Iziaslavich, by her husband.

Gertrude was the owner of a medieval illuminated manuscript, known as the Egbert Psalter or Trier Psalter, that had been created in the late 10th century for archbishop Egbert of Trier. She included her prayer book as part of the codex. In the prayer book she prays six times for Yaropolk, "unicus filius meus" (my only son).

Kiovan ruhtinaan puoliso.

Gertrud var datter til kong Mieszko II Lambert av Polen og sřster til Kasimir Karol av Polen.


N. de Baumgarten: Généalogie et Mariage occidenteaux des Rurikides Russes du Xe au XIII Sičcle. Mogens Bugge: Vĺre forfedre, nr. 187. Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre, side 18, 79.

Gift med
Iziaslav Dmitri Yaroslavich Rurikids, född 1024 i Novgorod, Ryssland, död 1078-10-03 i Chernigov, Ukraina. Grand Duke of Kiev.

Yaropolk Pjotr Izyaslavich, född 1048, död 1085-11-25

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