Yaropolk Pjotr Izyaslavich
född 1048, död 1085-11-25
Yaropolk Pjotr Izyaslavich
f. 1048
d. 1085-11-25

Biografi ] [ Barn ]
Iziaslav Dmitri Yaroslavich

f. 1024
Novgorod, Ryssland
d. 1078-10-03
Chernigov, Ukraina
Grand Duke of Kiev


f. ca 978 Kiev, Ukraina
d. 1054-02-20 Kiev, Ukraina

Vladimir I "the Great, Grand Prince of Kiev" Sviatoslavich
f. ca 957 Novgorod, Ryssland
Rogneda of Polotsk
f. 962 Polatsk, Vitebsk Province, Vitryssland

f. 1001 Sigtuna
d. 1050-02-10 Novgorod, Ryssland

Olof III "Skötkonung" Eriksson
f. 975 Uppsala
Estrid av Obotriterna
f. ca 979 Tyskland

f. ca 1025
Krakow, Polen
d. 1108-01-11
Kiev, Ukraina

Mieszko II Lambert

f. ca 990 Poznan, Wielkopolskie, Polen
d. 1034-05-10 Kraków, Malopolskie, Polen
Kung av Polen
Boleslaw I "den djärve" Chroby
f. ca 967 Poznan, Wielkopolskie, Polen
f. 970-975 Slovenien

f. ca 993 Lorraine, Frankrike
d. 1063-03-21 Abtei Brauweiler, Saalfeld/Saale, Saalfeld-Rudolstadt, Thüringen, Tyskland
Drottning av Polen
f. ca 955 Duisburg, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Tyskland
f. ca 979 Saxony, Tyskland
Startsida ] [ Register över namn ] [ Register över födelseorter ] [ Register över födelsedatum ]

Yaropolk Pjotr Izyaslavich, född 1048 i Volodymyr-Volynsky, Ukraina, död 1085-11-25 i Turau, Vitryssland. Prins.


Vladimirin ja Turovin runtinas. Ortodoksikirkko julisti hänet pyhimykseksi.


Yaropolk Pjotr Izyaslavich

Yaropolk Izyaslavich[2] (died 1087) was a Knyaz (prince) during the eleventh-century in the Kievan Rus' kingdom and was the King of Rus (1076–1078). The son of Grand Prince Izyaslav Yaroslavich by a Polish princess named Gertruda, he is visible in papal sources by the early 1070s but largely absent in contemporary Rus sources until his father's death in 1078. During his father's exile in the 1070s, Yaropolk can be found acting on his father's behalf in an attempt to gain the favor of the German emperors and the papal court of Pope Gregory VII. His father returned to Kiev in 1077 and Yaropolk followed.

Family background

Yaropolk was the son of Izyaslav Yaroslavich (died 1078), over-king of the Rus', and Gertruda, daughter of the Polish Duke-King Mieszko II Lambert (died 1034).[4] Since the Kievan succession war of 1015-1019, the Polish ruler Boleslaw had taken an interest in Rus, hoping to gain control of the land of Cherven, seized by Vladimir the Great.[5]


Wife - Kunigunde, daughter of Otto
1.Anastasia (daughter), married Gleb Vseslavich
2. ? (daughter), married Günther, Count of Schwarzburg
3.Yaroslav (son) (?-1102)
4.Viacheslav (son) (?-1104)
5.Vasilko (son)
He was installed as Prince of Volynia and, maybe, Turov by his uncle Vsevolod Grand Prince of Kiev in 1078, but was expelled in 1085 by his cousin Vladimir "Monomakh" and found refuge in Poland. He was restored the following year but murdered soon after.

Gift med
Kunigunde von Weimar-Orlamünde, Erbin von Beichlingen , född 1055 i Orlamünde, Saale-Holzland-Kreis, Thuringia, Tyskland, död 1140-06-08 i Turau, Gomel, Vitryssland.

Anastasija Jaropolkovna, född 1074, död 1159-01-08

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