född före 820, död cirka 850
f. före 820
Novgotod Oblast
d. ca 850
Novgorod Oblast

Biografi ] [ Barn ]

f. före 800

d. ca 867

King of the Obodrites

Cedrag Vendel of Obodrites

f. ca 795
d. ca 830 Novgorod, Ryssland

Drazko Vendel of Obodrites
f. ca 760
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Umila, född före 820 i Novgotod Oblast, Ryssland, död cirka 850 i Novgorod Oblast, Ryssland.

The connection of Umila to Rurik as his mother is controversial and based only upon the writings of Vasily Tatishchev.

Tatishchev's work, published after his death in 1750, is purported to be based on the Ioachim Chronicle an ancient manuscript which he discovered but was then lost. Modern thinking is that the nature of the Ioachim Chronicle is highly dubious.

Tatishchev (a Rurikid himself) claimed that Rurik was of Wendish extraction and went so far as to name his wife, Ufanda of Norway (Endvinda? Alfrind?); mother, Umila; his maternal grandfather, Gostomysl; and a cousin, Vadim.

Resurrection chronicle (????????????? ???????? - rus.) (XVI century.) says that Gostomysl advised calling for Varangians from Prussia:

"...And at the time in Novegrad some elder by the name Gostomysl is at his death bed, and he calls his proprietor

of Novegrad and declares: "My advice to you: send to Prussia wise men and call for prince (knyaz) born of those families..."
Umilia was possibly linked to Rurik as his mother through a marriage with Halfdan Haroldsen, Margrave of Frisia, Jutland in Denmark (b.750-d.831). Halfdan died in 831 when he was exiled to the Frankish kingdom. He was a Christian. Halfdan's farther is named Harold "Hildetann" Røreksson, King of Lethra, b. Est 690, Denmark, d. 770, Denmark. Harold "Hildetann's" father was Rørek (Rerik) of Leire, b. Est 650, Denmark, d. date unknown. Harold "Hildetann's" mother was Aud "den Djupaugde" Ivarsdotter, b. Abt 655, Denmark, d. date unknown ( Aud's father; Ivar "Vidfavne" Halvdanson, King of Lethra, b. 612, Denmark, d. date unknown. Aud's nickname "Djupaugde" means "the very rich". She was endowed with great beauty and heir to her father's vast kingdoms. She was given in marriage to Rurick of Denamrk but she was really in love with a Viking named Helge. Her lover, Helge and Rurick were constantly quarreling over Aud, which resulted in Rurick killing Helge. To avenge him, Ivar, Aud's father then killed Rurick. Aud and her young son Harald then fled to Russia where she ended up marrying Randver Radbartsson, a petty king there. On his way to Russia to punish Radver for marrying Aud without his permission, Ivar drowned in the Gulf of Finland.)

"Vidfavne" meaning "wide fathom" from Skane. Woden-born king (meaning descendant of Oden/Woden) of Uppsala in Sweden, by conquest. Also King of Lethra in 690. Ivar became the first King of the Ivarska Dynasty of Sweden. He succeeded Olaf Tretelgia (the Tree-Feller) when Olaf fled to Norway. Olaf's father, Ingjald Illråde was conquered by Ivar. Ingjald had perished by burning down his own palace and Ivar took the throne. Then Olaf fled to Norway and started the Yngling dynasty of Norway. Up to this time it is said that Ivar was the greatest of the Swedish Kings. Ivar had a single child, Aud (or Oda in Swedish).

Harold Hilditonn (Hilditoma - meaning Shining Teeth), King of Lethra in Sealland, Denmark. It is said he was king of both Sweden and Denmark. He reigned for 50 years, mostly in peace.His royal court was at Lejre on the island of Sjaelland. Sigurd Ring, a nephew, and other vassal kings became unhappy with Harlad in his old age and Harald was killed by Sigurd in a sea battle at Bravalle in 770. Seeing how valiant his aged uncle fought, Sigurd gave Harald an elaborate Viking funeral. King Harald's body was carefully washed and placed in his chariot. Then his horse was killed and harnessed next to the chariot. Sigurd gave his own saddle and the others prsent threw in gifts: bracelets, sword and other treasures before the mound (or barrow) was covered over. Sigurd then took over the whole kingdom.

Rurik's wife, Efenda was a sister to Oleg II (Helgi), Danish Prince of Kiev.

Rurik is believed to have been a Varangian (Norse trader) from Birka, Sweden, who gave Russia it's name. He had two brothers, Sineus and Truvor who reigned respectively at Beloozero and Izborsk for two years after which they died and their lands were then ruled over by Rurik. Novgorod means "New City" and is off Lake Lagoda from the Gulf of Finland. The old legends say that the Slavs of the area invited the Varangians to rule over them to establish order. Thus the Russian ruling class (specifically of Novgorod and Kiev) were then ruled by these Varangian Vikings from Sweden.

Umilia and Halfdan Haroldsen had 3 children:

1. Ascold, Grand Duke of Kiev, b. Est 805, Denmark, d. 882 2. Oleg (Helgi), b. Est 810, Denmark Find, d. 912 3. Rurik (Ryurik), Grand Duke of Novgorod, b. Abt 820, Frisia, Jutland, Denmark, d. 879

Gift med
Hermelk. Dansk kung.

Varangian Rurik, född cirka 830, död 879

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