Ulf Torgilsson, född cirka 993 i Sverige, Halland,
död 1027-09-22 i Roskilde, Danmark (av Mördad).
Broder til Gytha Thorgilsdatter (1000 - 1069), der også hører til mine aner.
Han blev dræbt i Roskilde i Hellig Trefoldighedskirkens kor i julen 1026.
Leo: Nachkommen Gorms des Alten, 1978 , Brenner, S. Otto, Reference: 29.
Ulf Thorgilson, Earl in England was born at Halland, Sweden. He was the son of Thorgils 'Sprakalegg' Styrbjornson and Sigrid of
Halland. He married Astrid Sveynsdottir, daughter of Sveyn I 'Forkbeard' Haraldsson, King of Denmark and England and Sigrid
'the Haughty' (?), circa 1018. He died on 22 September 1027, murdered. Ulf Thorgilson, Earl in England gained the title of Jarl of
Denmark in 1020. He gained the title of Reichserweser of Denmark. He gained the title of Earl in England.
Ulf (or Ulf Jarl) was a Danish earl (jarl). As a Viking chieftain he participated in Cnut the Great's conquest of England as one of
his most trusted men. He married Cnut's sister Estrid Svendsdatter and from c. 1024 he was his appointee as regent of Denmark,
probably as the guardian of Cnut's young son Harthacnut. After Ulf joined Olaf II of Norway and Anund Jacob of Sweden in a
coalition against Cnut, Cnut had him killed in Roskilde. He was the father of Sweyn II of Denmark, King of Denmark from 1047
to 1074
Jarl av Skåne
I Norge regerade Olaf Haraldsson, eller Olaf digre, han som senare skulle bli känd som Olav den helige. Han var nära
bundsförvant med Anund Jakob i Sverige, bl a var han gift med dennes syster. Dessa bägge samlade sig år 1026 till ett gemensamt
anfall mot Knut den store vid Helge å. Resultatet av slaget var att Knut inte längre hade något att frukta från detta håll.
Hur Estrids (Astrid) make,Ulf jarl, ställde sig i konflikten vet vi inte, men troligen såg Olav och Anund Jakob honom som en
potentiell bundsförvant eftersom hans förhållande till Knut inte var vidare gott. Kort efter slaget ledde detta till att Ulf dräptes i
Roskilde, naturligtvis på Knuts anstiftan. Som försoning för dråpet gav Knut sin syster Estrid, stora jordagods
Ulf jarl var dansk-anglosaxisk storman. Han skall ha deltagit i slaget vid Helge å (troligen 1026) men det är oklart om han stred
för svågern Knut den store eller dennes fiender. Deltog i Sven Tveskäggs vikingatåg till England, sägs ha lönnmördat denne i
London, blev satt som jarl i Skåne av Knut den store men utropade sig själv som kung i Skåne och blev därför mördad av Knut i
Roskilde domkyrka
Källa: "Nationalencyklopedin".
I Norge regerade Olaf Haraldsson, eller Olaf digre, han som senare skulle bli känd som Olav den helige. Han var nära
bundsförvant med Anund Jakob i Sverige, bl a var han gift med dennes syster. Dessa bägge samlade sig år 1026 till ett gemensamt
anfall mot Knut den store vid Helge å. Resultatet av slaget var att Knut inte längre hade något att frukta från detta håll.
Hur Estrids make,Ulf jarl, ställde sig i konflikten vet vi inte, men troligen såg Olav och Anund Jakob honom som en potentiell
bundsförvant eftersom hans förhållande till Knut inte var vidare gott. Kort efter slaget ledde detta till att Ulf dräptes i Roskilde,
naturligtvis på Knuts anstiftan. Som försoning för dråpet gav Knut sin syster Estrid, stora jordagods.
Ulf (or Ulf Jarl) (Ulf Thorgilsson) was a Danish earl (jarl). As a Viking chieftain he participated in Cnut the Great's conquest of
England as one of his most trusted men. He married Cnut's sister Estrid Svendsdatter and from c. 1024 he was his appointee as
regent of Denmark, probably as the guardian of Cnut's young son Harthacnut. After Ulf joined Olaf II of Norway and Anund Jacob
of Sweden in a coalition against Cnut, Cnut had him killed in Roskilde. He was the father of Sweyn II of Denmark, King of
Denmark from 1047 to 1074.[1]
Ulf Jarl was the son of Thorgils Sprakalägg, his brother were Eilaf, an Earl of King Cnut the Great, and his sister were Gytha
Thorkelsdóttir who married Godwin, Earl of Wessex.
Ulf joined Cnut the Great's expedition to England. In 1015-16, he married Cnut's sister Estrid[2] and was appointed the Jarl of
Denmark, which he ruled when Cnut was absent. He was also the foster-father of Cnut's son Harthacnut.
When the Swedish king Anund Jakob and the Norwegian king Olaf II took advantage of Cnut's absence and attacked Denmark, Ulf
convinced the freemen to elect Harthacnut king, since they were discontented at Cnut's absenteeism. This was a ruse on Ulf's part
since his role as Harthacnut's guardian would make him the ruler of Denmark.
When Cnut learnt what had happened in 1026, he returned to Denmark and with Earl Ulf's help, defeated the Swedes and the
Norwegians at the Battle of the Helgeå. Ulf's assistance did not, however, cause Cnut to forgive Ulf for his coup.[3] At a banquet in
Roskilde, the two brothers-in-law were playing chess and started arguing with each other. The next day, the Christmas of 1026,
Cnut had one of his housecarls kill Earl Ulf in Trinity Church, the predecessor of Roskilde Cathedral. However, accounts
contradict each other.
Ulf was the father of Sweyn Estridson and Beorn, and thus the progenitor of the House of Estridsen, which would rule Denmark
from 1047 to 1375, which was also sometimes, specially in Swedish sources, referred to as the Ulfinger dynasty to honor him.
Ulf Torgilsson jarl av Skåne. Död 1026 i Roskilde.
Gift med Estrid Svensdotter av Danmark. Far till Sven II Estridsson, kung av Danmark.
Gift med
Estrid Margrethe Svensdatter, född 997
i Roskilde, Danmark, död 1074-05-09 i Roskilde, Danmark.
Prinsessa av Danmark.
Svend II Ulfsøn Estridsøn (Jelling), född cirka 1022, död 1074-04-28